Printed Knowledge

Some owners hate reading, doesn't want to be told what to do and want to learn by experience.
Fine. I was one of them. Until I got bored of wasting time & doing damage...
Also look for any old bike-related book from the 50's, like "the Book of the BSA",
"Modern Motorcycle Maintenance" by Osborne, "BSA" by Munro, etc

And don't forget the A10 INSTRUCTION MANUAL that came with the bike.

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Haynes A10 manual. Technical how-to manusl,
all the basics to keep the bike running.

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Bacon's Twin Restoration. Great for history & reference. Out of print, look at auctions,  jumbles etc

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Twin series Service Sheets. A collection of factory released service information.

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BSA A Models Spares Catalogue. All parts & parts numbers with short descriptions.