The BSA A7-A10 Forum

Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Introductions, Stories, Meetings & Pictures => Topic started by: Alex kettle on 15.08. 2014 22:57

Title: She's a runner
Post by: Alex kettle on 15.08. 2014 22:57
With help from you lot on here I finally got my a10 running last Friday night. The Friday was my deadline as I wanted to take it to my friends wedding and it was down to the wire. Only set the timing on it fri evening and the bike hadn't seen the open road for the last 25 years.  Sat morning was the first road test and my first ride on the a10 that used to belong to my dad.  Up and down the street a couple of times test the brakes and some fine tuning and it was all systems go and off to the wedding. What a fantastic day it was. Wedding was great and gave a lots of people a ride round on the field with more people lining up every time I returned.
So many thanks for all your input
Here's some pics enjoy
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: a10 gf on 15.08. 2014 23:11
This is excellent reading+++  *smile* Congrats. & all the large smiles on the photos.
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: duTch on 16.08. 2014 05:33

 Well done, looks good I guess one of the riders is your mate...?

 Keep an eye on the guy on the treadly in the background looks like he's eyeballing the motor for a quick power boost *smile*
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Alex kettle on 16.08. 2014 09:04
Yes Dutch the first one is of my mate. He rode it successfully round the field having only had basic training and he's not ridden a bike in 10 years.
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Topdad on 16.08. 2014 09:16
Nice job, the bike certainly added to special day ,ever thought of advertising - wedding our specialty-you could be on to winner! The bike certainly had the smile factor, enjoy BobH
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Greybeard on 16.08. 2014 10:10
A very handsome machine! I like the white tank sides. Are your folks still around to enjoy it?

By the way; it's good to see an owner that is not in the old-age pensioner category!! *smile*
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Alex kettle on 16.08. 2014 16:02
Yes greybeard i am lucky enough to have both my folks around to see me enjoying it. I had to filler and paint the sides in ford ivory as my dad sadly dropped the bike in a house move a few years back and put a nasty dent in the side of the tank on the chrome which was in great condition until then.
 I love all things classic. I also own a 1962 mini and enjoy driving that but the a10 is something special. Here's a great pic of me and my twin when we were 7 pretending to ride it. Great to have a go for real
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: muskrat on 16.08. 2014 20:43
That's fantastic mate. There'll be lots more miles of smiles to come. Great pics.
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: charles whitfield on 17.08. 2014 21:06
Magic - That must have been a great day!
Love the black paint job on on the TLS, - I am going to do the same to mine now
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: muskrat on 18.09. 2018 10:45
G'day Alex.
It's been 4 years now. Hows the A10 going?
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Alex kettle on 18.09. 2018 20:16
Don’t get to ride it as often as I like now as I have a 2year old son to look after and have to teach him about all things mechanical. The bike is also garaged at my twin brothers house (who also rides it) so not so easy to get it out and jump on it for a blast. I really enjoy it when I do find the time. I love the sound of it. I’m grinning from ear to ear when I get back. The forks need some attention I think as there not too smooth. Have bought most of the bits to overhaul them so maybe if I get time over the winter I’ll strip them down. Only part of the bike I haven’t had to pieces yet.
Thanks for the interest muskrat, I do enjoy reading info and posts on this great site.

He’s a photo of my lad on the a10
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Topdad on 19.09. 2018 12:24
Next generation A10 rider hey Alex ?? well done  *smile*
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Greybeard on 20.09. 2018 20:12
Don’t get to ride it as often as I like now as I have a 2year old son to look after...
Why not enter for this years DGR on Sunday?!
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Alex kettle on 20.09. 2018 22:08
I know greybeard I really should get it out more to events and shows more often. But you know how it is, there’s always something else I should be doing rather than what I would like to be doing, ce la vie. Would love to meet up with other members from the forum sometime. Has it ever happened or been suggested? Suppose it would be a little difficult for those down under to attend but not impossible. Where is the nearest DGR to you?
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: Greybeard on 20.09. 2018 23:02
Alex, I'm not far from Coventry so I've signed up to that one.

Oh, looks like you are in Leicester so not a million miles away.
Title: Re: She's a runner
Post by: a on 21.09. 2018 00:09
Awesome stuff!! Great to see people getting enjoyment from their bikes  *beer*